empowered version of you

Find clarity


Learn how to manifest

mindset work

use your intuition


Feeling the pull to learn more about

personal development?

Have you been feeling that you are capable of achieving more in life?

Enticed by your daydream and wonder how

could you make the time to go after your desires?

Fancy feeling the delightful & exciting moments, you step back and look at the life you've created that started from a daydream, but are you actually living?

Kim Rose Mansell

Empowerment Coach

You are entirely capable of

changing your life!


Personal development work can be live changing and super fulfilling, once you start working with your shadows. I want my clients to embrace their new found beliefs, mindset resets (this happens), enjoy the AHA moments as well as the hard truth bombs of healing and acceptance...it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Integrating new learnings into your life, it will be forever with you!

I'm all for planning, doing, seeing things through to execution but WHERE is the FUN without tapping into pleasure and living through our feminine energy.

I have found part of my path and purpose on earth is to help others embrace themselves. Embrace the parts others may perceive to be loud, too chatty, too out there, too quiet, too something. For those in the neurodivergent community I see you and feel you, we just need to find ways that our mind and body to connect when we want to be creating new ways to figure out new ways to stick to a healthier habit, or a routine that going to benefit our sleep or work patterns.

Kim was such a fantastic coach! She supported me deeply get through blocks, move through overwhelm and reminded me daily of the things we sometimes forget when we get busy! I’m so grateful for the transformation within the voxer container. Kim is extremely supportive and intuitive. I’m grateful for her eye for detail and deep support! Thanks Kim!!!

Client Feedback

Voxer Container

- B -

This is for you - if you’re looking to understand the basics and have guidance or where to start!

  • 45 minute ZOOM call - connect & deeper planning
  • Pinterest board activation and activity
  • Receive a personalised 1 month blueprint for action steps

Want to gain a superpower, that you could literally apply to all areas of your life?

You’ll finally understanding why you welcome and attract specific circumstances, limitations and people into your life.

You’ll GAIN the insights to embodying your future self, and how to start making moves so you’re manifesting your desires into your new reality.

gimme please!

how to work with me

Each container serves a purpose

What level of support do you need?

Short Term - One off sessions

New to personal development

Want to find clarity

Specifically tailored to 1 topic

Mid Term - Multiple sessions

Deeper work required

Willing to show up and take more accountability for your life

Looking to create more self awareness, willing to learn more and integrate lessons into current phase of life

Voice only support

Ideal of both life and biz clients looking for more support & access:

These are for individuals that want a deeper transformation.

They want to be supported in making changes in their life, be provided with feedback and space to close loops. You will be able to focus on multiple areas of your life to improve and illuminate!

Long Term - Multiple sessions

Longer time commitment to changing your mindset and your life for the better

Review of more areas of your life, and more chances for quantum leap.

We go beyond deep, you are choosing to unveil and allow me to truly be a part of your journey. I will be there to support and ignite growth, to see change that is required for your level up but also claiming your power.

Still unsure what’s right?

Intention + decision + clarity = Living in alignment *there is more to it - that’s where I come in!

Allow us to focus on what actions for you to take, to manifest your dream lifestyle, home, freedom!

Let’s get working on it together!

masterclasses & Programs


I want access

This Free 16 page workbook is a place for you to start for:

clarity and want to find direction away from feeling super overwhelmed or being super anxious. If you need something that can provide a guided structure to figure whats going on in your mind. It will guide you to take action to change what no longer serves you in your current situation.

Workshop was inspired from Lead with Heart Workbook.

You will face uncomfortable truths.

You will learn to be intentional with your choices.

You will make aligned soul decisions that speak

to your mind and soul.

It’s time for you to embrace your next level self!

Photography of Stars and Galaxy

This free masterclass was created to allow you to expand your mind. We review what its like to become intuitive, and also touch on a few of life’s pondering questions...

Do you want to learn how to read a room? Do you want to feel more confident in the choices you make? Do you want to utilise your inner voice more? AND Actually use it!!? Curious as to how you can become more intuitive?

Manifesting Abundance into your life

You can no longer hide behind a facade that everything is okay, when you actually feel like its not. You’re soooo ready to take control of where you are heading, and you long for support to get you there.

This is for you - if you’re looking to quantum leap to get

closer to the future version of yourself that you’ve

dreamed to be.

Our calls will provide us with the time to get down to

the core of blocks, so we can work on rewritting

limiting beliefs. Work on providing a structure to implementing habits and action taking.

Best part you get to continue on with the inner work

past the container with an extended 3 month blueprint.

Fortnightly zoom calls x 45 minutes - 3 in total

Deep dive into current circumstances

We find what desires you want to manifest into your life

Review blocks, limits and beliefs *cutting the bullshit out

Release blocks, and reset energy

Receive a personalised 3 month blueprint for action steps

Creating a lifestyle you love

Stop setting for being on auto-pilot, allow yourself to absolutely OWN creating a lifestyle that you WANT and absolutely DESERVE!

This is for you - if you’re looking for:

Support in getting clear on specific goals

Want to know how to build healthy habits

and keep them!

However you get more

You get to rewrite beliefs that will help you continue to creating an aligned lifestyle

You will continue after this container to become even more self aware of choices, beliefs, decision making and actions

Massive BONUS is the multiple mindset shifts that will make you experience AHA moments

How it works: In-depth questionnaire to set you up right!

1.Plan & connect session (45 mins zoom)

2. Receive a specific breakdown of what to action for the upcoming 6 weeks.

3.Ongoing support with weekly check-ins via Voxer

4. End Future planning (30 mins zoom)


INSTAGRAM: Follow @kimrosemansell

EMAIL: kimrosemansell@gmail.com

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